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【?Roadtrip / Camping⛺️】

今次我哋同朋友去咗距離墨爾本兩個半鐘頭車程嘅Lake Eildon National Park 國家公園露營!因為係自駕露營嘅關係,可以帶好多裝備㗎,塞到成架車都滿晒,好似搬屋咁!荒山野嶺,除咗見到好多唔同嘅野生動物之外,仲俾我哋發現咗好多骸骨☠️⋯⋯

Lake Eildon National Park Camping Part 1 We have travelled to Lake Eildon National Park, 2.5hours away from Melbourne, with our friends to set off a 4-day-3-night camping trip! Camping with a car makes you want to take as many equipments as possible. It feels more like moving house than going for a nature trip. Other than wildlifes, this time we found bones of ….

*This video has english subtitles

【澳洲新移民】喺呢個《澳洲新移聞》系列,我哋將會繼續同大家分享我哋作為兩碌港燦,出走到大洋洲後嘅浮浮沉沉?㗎。 【記得留言】如果大家對澳洲有啲咩想知道,關於移民澳洲嘅生活有咩好奇,或者原來你就係住喺咗緊,都可以留個言聯繫一下㗎?。 睇完片如果鍾意嘅話記得要CLSS,即係留comment, like, subscribe 同 share!我會繼續(不定期)分享澳洲移民生活嘅影片! Please comment, like, subscribe and share if you like this video and want to see more.


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